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Thread: Chief you are quite right, ukip have the soppy wrist floppers running scared

  1. #1

    Chief you are quite right, ukip have the soppy wrist floppers running scared

    Even the Daily Mail have joined in the attacks. The UK is a bizarre place Chief. We have the UAF weirdos who use violence to shut down debate. Self labelled Antifascists being fascists, you couldnt make it up. Do you have them in the US?

    I expect Jorge is a member. The despicable racist.

  2. #2

    We sure do and you see it all the time.

    They are basically afraid of debate because they know that their opinion doesn't stand up to common sense.

    that's why the Global Warmi... excuse me .. Climate Change Industry came up with some sort of ruse that 97% of all climate scientists agree .. the purpose is to shut off debate. The most amusing were the folks that went down to Antarctica to document the ravages of warming seas, and then got stuck in the ice! Ha ha ha

    An almagamation of leftists protested enough so that a conservative could not speak at a commencement ceremony. Berkeley banned Netanyahu from meeting his commitment at a speakers series. Leftists have had a 20 years attempt to shut down talk radio since they can't seem to get people to listen to them in a free market.

    And, of course, this is done while impugning character and name-calling. those that don't think like them are "evil" and "racist". etc. Or they are impacably stupid, hence the castigation of Tea Partiers.

    It's all about supporting the status quo and the rapid diminishment of individual freedom in favour of an ever encroaching magnificent State that will care for everyone.

    I notice the rising tide of anti-semitism around the world coupled with appeasement of radical Islam, Russia and other assorted repressive regimes.

    It's a mad world infused with Orwellian language.

    Ahem ... I'm assuming calling jorge a racist was done tongue-in-cheek to prove a point. He is most emphatically not and that is a term you really shouldn't even use in jest. He is a bit deluded as I believe he fancies himself as a bit of a rebel but is rather a staunch defender of statist policies that repress 'the people'.

    Wait a sec ... this just in .... the French today called it Climate Chaos! Oh, and we only have 500 days or else it's all over.

  3. #3

    Standing up for injustice has made me weary.

    f**k off Jorge

  4. #4

    Thanks for your kind words, I'm touched you took time out of the bonkersness

    I've never quite understood your slavish devotion to the idea that the state is a bad thing, states can be a genuine force for good - with the proviso that they aren't specifically employed to feather the nests of a select few, which is sadly the case in most of them.

    If I'm anything, I'm a romantic for believing something else is possible.

  5. #5

    I agree with some of this, Chief. Although you should remember that Floyd is an actual Nazi.

    Yes, the censorious nature of many leftists is anathema to freedom and democracy, and while claiming opposition to bigotry and intolerance they are intolerant themselves.

    However, I will take issue with your lumping in of appeasement of radical Islam (true) with appeasement of Russia. Apart from the fact that I don't think they are being appeased by the West - I think they are being provoked - there is an argument that suggests that Putin and Russia are actually the defender of traditional conservative, Christian values - values that perhaps you hold dear.

  6. #6

  7. #7

    Maybe insert something here about the socialist wisdom of US sport

    compared to the rampant capitalist Euro-model.

  8. #8

    Ohh good point, there's nothing as socialist as American Football

  9. #9


    that's the first time I've heard the despotic Putin regime associated with Christian values!

    I'll have to keep my ears open for that one.

    Obama's approach to Russia has been pure appeasement. He's given them everything they have wanted. We've withdrawn our military presence in Poland. We backed off of their two satellite compadres, Syria and Iran. Remember the Reset Button Mrs. Clinton had (an as an aside they misspelt the Russian word for rest!)

    the predication of policy for both entities is that if we would just be nice to them and show them that we won't do them any harm, they in turn will be nice to us. That view is why Mrs. Clinton not dare place Boko Haram on their terrorist list. Besides the Nigerian government has policies against gays and transexuals so they are obviously the baddies. And they're Christian! Horrors.

  10. #10

    The russian post-communist regime are fiercely Christian, though I suspect it's just rhetorical..

    ..justification for putting in place some pretty fire & brimstone policies. One of the big things they did was rebuild the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, the place probably most well known for the blasphemy of Pussy Riot, which Uncle Joe had demolished in an act of breathtaking godlessness.

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