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Thread: I'm on a train to Lucerne from Zurich. Chap opposite me has a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles t-shirt.

  1. #1

    I'm on a train to Lucerne from Zurich. Chap opposite me has a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles t-shirt.

    He's about my age.

    When did Johnny Switzer start doing wacky?

  2. #2

    Hero turtles...

  3. #3

    Ninja is correct, Heroes was for TV purposes

  4. #4

    There was the big silly scare of ninja stuff in the UK around that time.

    and NINJA was banned. Ninja stars, nunchucks.

    This country used to be so uptight. BAN CHILDSPLAY!

    They didn't even have proper porn available until the early 2000's

  5. #5

    To be fair, I threw a ninja star at my cousin and it stuck in his shoulder

    Naturally I blamed the ninja stuff

  6. #6

    I remember being able to walk into the barbers and to one side they sold knives, crossbows and

    catapults and the other was fishing gear, very odd barbers

  7. #7

    Bad luck. Being on a train is one thing. Being on a train in Switzerland is quite another.

    Do you have a list of rules there?

  8. #8

    hehe My friend's dad was a Headmaster at a school and he used to bring home all the

    confiscated stuff.

    We nicked a ninja star and threw at a tree and then couldn't get it out.

    Even had a Sai.

  9. #9

    Smile I used to like to go to the barbers. Always had a nudey calendar.

  10. #10

    My nephew used to sing "Teenage Mutant Injured Turtles" Music

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