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Thread: It appears our chums at the RMT have given me a spare seat tonight alongside yours truly...

  1. #1

    It appears our chums at the RMT have given me a spare seat tonight alongside yours truly...

    If anyone I actually know is in need, come find me in the Woodbine...

  2. #2

    Oh, Now there is an idea...

    I could send her to go and sit with you and I could have two seats alone!

  3. #3

    If it helps, I'm pretty confident that there will be several other adjacent empty seats too, just

    not in my name...

  4. #4

    It would be far too obvious if I just told her to go and sit in any empty seat she could find in a

    60,000 seater stadium except for the one next to me, no?

  5. #5

    Sorry, who are we talking about here? Your other half or some random screamer?

  6. #6

    Know ya but not in need

    Well I need to get to Clapton after the match and suspect the 106's and 253's will be chocker.

  7. #7

    My other half. But in all honesty, I wasn't being serious and it wasn't even remotely funny.

  8. #8

    it was forever thus

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