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Thread: Marve if you are bored have you got any exciting stories to tell us?

  1. #1

    Marve if you are bored have you got any exciting stories to tell us?

    perhaps from your old days?

  2. #2

    Why should he start now?

  3. #3

    Marve = Roland De Wolfe

  4. #4

    I don't really if I am honest

    Not much is going on and I have pretty much forgotten everything that went on in my life prior to 3 years ago.

    One interesting thing you could take is that if you remember back to that time when I found out the truth - It all happened around the time I went with her to New York. Guess where I am going tomorrow?

  5. #5

    Shut it baldy. Don't you have some pigeons to race or something?

  6. #6

    They'd win.... my only racing is 3 weeks 5 days away Indifferent

  7. #7


  8. #8

    I don't think the Big Apple is to blame. Unless whilst there you

    become some sort of pig doing food challenges and the ladies are scared of what they see.

  9. #9

    Nope, prison.

  10. #10

    My girlfriend was saying last night to me...

    "I know you are going to eat like crazy and that is fine, but just so you know I don't want to go mad all the time. I'd quite like the occasional salad..."

    Do they serve salads in man vs food approved restaurants?

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