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Thread: Went to give my statutory declaration at court this morning. Was a bit scarier than I'd

  1. #1

    Went to give my statutory declaration at court this morning. Was a bit scarier than I'd


    Prosecutor gave me the full Larry David eyes and started asking me weird hypothetical questions that made me want to kick him in his ugly Jew face (the c**t was definitely a kike).

    Now have to decide whether to plead guilty or not guilty.

  2. #2

    The former.

    Less of a stretch.

  3. #3

    Fúck do you know?

    I'm pretty sure I need to plead not guilty to the charge, since I was unable to avoid committing the alleged offence due to not receiving any of the original correspondence (albeit due to my own error) relating to it.

  4. #4

    Wait, whats the charge?

    Cant you plead guilty to the original and not guilty to the administrative complications?

    Also, I cant hear the phrase "jew face" without thinking of Susie Green

  5. #5

    You are still guilty of the charge however.

    Fundamentally you did not inform the police of who was driving the car by the required date.

    You plead guilty and your legal chap explains the background, judge gives you a wee fine.

    You plead not guilty and your legal chap explains the background, thing is you are still 100% guilty of the actual charge which I am sure even an argumentative c**t like you will accept. Judge gets annoyed by your time wasting and you get a bigger fine.

    Either way you’re getting fined. Your defence is your stupidity or laziness or complete disregard for the road traffic by-laws (or whatever).

    Both ways you are guilty.

  6. #6

  7. #7

    I think you are doom-mongering for your own perverse entertainment

  8. #8

    Failing to identify the driver of a vehicle registered in my name that was found to have

    committed a motoring offence.

  9. #9

    Ah well you're bang to rights then, go big on mitigating circumstances

  10. #10

    And I don't think I am guilty of the charge, if my defence proves credible in court

    which it should do, given I am quite obviously a nice respctable jewish boy n'all.

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