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Thread: Question on drugs - am I right in assuming that

  1. #1

    Question on drugs - am I right in assuming that

    steroids only has an effect on building muscles if one trains extremely hard - and that in fact the roids enable the culprit to train even harder, whereas EPO and **** that increases hemacrotite levels, actually would work on anyone regardless of training level? In other words, EPO is used to create blood rich in red cells, blood that is then drained and injected during competition. Is it then correct to assume that EPO is not used in a training period for other purposes than to create thick blood, and once that is done, the athlete goes about to train undrugged, until competition day when the blood is pumped back into the veins?

  2. #2

    This, sadly, is the one area of the subject I dont know much about

    And frankly, if you cant get a buzz off of either, I'm not bothered

  3. #3

    Well, I've been naturally drugged

    we trained and competed in Zermatt, and when I returned to competing at sea Level, man, I'd call that a "Buzz"...

  4. #4

    Dr Nerg is your man for this. And his fellow cyclista Frimley, who is probably on his way back from

    Munich. On a flying machine, rather than his bike.

  5. #5

    I know. I expect nerg to come up with a comprehensive reply rather promptly.

  6. #6

    Oh, and Doc Headgear. The cycle nerd.

  7. #7

    Reminds me of when Robbie Savage went altitude training

    “I went for a 30-minute run on the beach with someone this morning and the altitude wasn’t really affecting me.”

  8. #8

    That's the thing about cycling, even the cheating is boring

  9. #9

  10. #10

    He might have been on a beach at a lake at any altitiude Shrug

    I have sunbathed on this beach at Mahale, some 3,000' amsl.

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