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Thread: Would you replace your morning alarm with an iPhone alarm that wakes you up with the smell of bacon?

  1. #1

    Would you replace your morning alarm with an iPhone alarm that wakes you up with the smell of bacon?

  2. #2

    What's an alarm?

  3. #3

    Years ago I saw a guy on the TV who put two rashers of bacon on his george forman grill before

    went to bed.
    Put a timer on the plug so he'd wake up to the smell of the bacon cooking and his breakfast would be ready.

  4. #4

    It's who modd prays too when he visits the mask.

  5. #5

    But he hadn't wired up a smoke alarm so when the house burned down he died?

  6. #6

    Another bland Fash story made a bit more interesting. wd Ears

  7. #7

    Hamsung Galaxy sssssssssssssss4

  8. #8

    We now have a bread maker. That makes a nice smell to wake up to but is designed for remote

    operation. I don't think putting meat on a grill and leaving it unattended can in any way be thought a smart thing to do.

  9. #9

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