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Thread: These kickstarter funds are becoming more popular.

  1. #1

    These kickstarter funds are becoming more popular.

    Do you think I could use such a service instead of wedding gifts?

  2. #2

    I did just that last year for a friend who was getting married

    She was from Kenya, he was from Canada and they were getting married in Tenerife. Basically they needed a site to put all of the wedding info for people who wanted to come, post photos and videos for those that couldnt make it and have a wedding list that was basically a donations thing. They also had a couple of charities for people to donate to.

    That was my present to them, basically, the whole site.

  3. #3

    This sounds like a good plan. Especially with my moving plan.

    I will tell my Canadian family Canadian dollars are gladly excepted. There are so many of them if they all chipped in it would be very nice.

  4. #4

    The Greek weddings are the best, my nephew and his bride had £22k pinned on their wedding dresses

  5. #5

    Why was your nephew wearing a dress?


  6. #6

    Because he likes dresses, don't you?

  7. #7

    Hey, I'm totally cool with it. Admirably enlightened. And there's more room to pin money on, I guess

  8. #8

    I liked this crowd sourced project.>>>

  9. #9


  10. #10

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