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Thread: Hold on, surely this is a dangerously high challenge?

  1. #1

    Hold on, surely this is a dangerously high challenge?

  2. #2

    Re: Hold on, surely this is a dangerously high challenge?

  3. #3

    As I remember, there wasn't a player 2 yards in front of him to be clattered into.

  4. #4

    What about Dennis' control against Argentina?

  5. #5

    He was moving sideways. There was no danger to the player fronting him.

  6. #6

    God soes truly move in mysterious ways

  7. #7

    Bentley looks like a right yokel there. Should be selling potatoes from a wagon or something.

  8. #8

    You have an answer for everything, don't you Roll eyes

    Is it true that a jumbo jet technically only needs the power of one engine to take off?

  9. #9

    You can prove anything you like with pictures, though.

  10. #10

    If it didn't have any passengers or much fuel, and you could find a long enough runway,

    then probably, yes.

    And it's called a '747' or a '74-400', m. Those who fly it, (and ONLY those who fly it) call it 'The Jumbo'. 'Jumbo jet', never. Ever.

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