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Thread: Nice to see that my warnings about commie ****o types trying to enter my country have been heeded

  1. #1

    Nice to see that my warnings about commie ****o types trying to enter my country have been heeded

    :cough: jorge :cough:

    Never can be too careful about "those" kind.

  2. #2

    In my defence, my destination was a maddison ave ad agency!

    a maddison ave ad agency for whom I was a crucial employee!

  3. #3

    very subversive, imo

    you were probably representing a product that was out to sap our precious bodily fluids.

    I hope when you were there you didn't try to steal from the Coca Cola company.

  4. #4

    Do they actually give you a card, the communists? Is it laminated?

  5. #5

    Nod CPGB

    To be fair, I thought it was a punk club

  6. #6

    CPGB? Stalinist!

    Explains a lot imo. I'm sure you pretended to be a Trot at one point.

  7. #7

  8. #8

    to be serious for this post only

    it was bizzarro, Dr. Hat. I have no idea what they were trying to promote. Are these Americans all singing the song in different languages? If so fine and dandy. However not being able to sing the song in English, assuming they have been here long enough too know the song, appears to celebrate the right to not assimilate and become culturally American.

    some of us don't think this is a good thing if it happens on a large scale. We already on the robo-phone have to press one for English or 'dos para espanol'.

    Seemed like a weird venue for them to promote such a sentiment.

  9. #9

    To be fair

    I think the whole thing was probably just a subtle hint that they and their fellow global conglomerates have now completely co-opted your country (and everyone else's) and will re-sell and re-brand which ever bits of it they like, however they like. Still, that's capitalism for ya.

    Either that or the message was that America is so f**king brilliant that people from all over the world wish they were American, so buy more coke, because coke is American.

    I rather think the later, as the first would be giving the game away a tad.

  10. #10

    spanish! you better hope they speak spanish. far more likely they start talking mandarin.

    that's when the **** hits the fan.

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