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Thread: Fascist Britain bans French comic from entertaining Country due to his opinion

  1. #1

    Fascist Britain bans French comic from entertaining Country due to his opinion udonne-from-uk

    Wont be long until now until the likes of Dieudonne M'bala are forced into concentration camps. Disgraceful, this makes a mockery of all those brave boys who gave their lives fighting for our freedoms during WW2.

  2. #2

    Quite right, we should be a haven for anti-semites of all nationalities!

    Let's get plenty of that hate speech out there, after all, what have the jews ever done for us apart from causing world war 2 and conspiring with Amerikan Zionist lickspittle running dogs to cause your mum's syphilis.

  3. #3

    How come you downgraded him? You've knocked an M'bala off

    That said, they appear not to have said exactly why they arent allowing him in, the explanation is a bit vague.

  4. #4 speech is dead in Europe again ...protected species

    where was everyone banning jim davidson ? Kenny everet ? bloody uk is pathetic these days, health and safety , nanny state bollox

  5. #5

    I didn't realise you liked nanny states ? goverment intervention ? you have turned

    communist imo

  6. #6

    I've never seen a French comedian over here anyway.

  7. #7

    I believe you will find that lefties are as keen on knocking the piss out of jews as righties.

    Israel being their convenient excuse.

  8. #8

    I think we should be a haven for anti-Semites and Semites alike.

    We shouldn't discriminate on the basis of racism.

  9. #9

    far quenelle

  10. #10

    Yes, just in a less systematic, gas chambery, way

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