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Thread: Talking of The Omen, is it a coincidence that the board went down just as Monty announced his woman

  1. #1

    Talking of The Omen, is it a coincidence that the board went down just as Monty announced his woman

    was carrying a male?

    I strongly suspect the skies over Finchley (or wherever he lives) went black, lightning cracked the firmament, Carl Orff played and AWIMB went tits up as a consequence.

    Grim tidings for mankind imo.

  2. #2

    It's just like that HILARIOUS episode of Only Fools and Horses, isn't it? eh?

  3. #3

    Nod It was the picture on the scan that confirmed it for me

  4. #4

    It's amazing how unfunny that seems with hindsight compared to how revered it was at the time.

    It's like the entire nation was suffering some form of mass hypnosis.

    This is also the only possible explanation for all those series of 'Bread'.

  5. #5

    Blue eyes? Normal-sized proboscis? That's never Monty's, certainly.

    Is the Devil Jewish? I've never been sure.

  6. #6

    I think he converted

    I'm loving the idea of monty as a sort of Gregory Peck figure who cant pass a mirror without a quick bout of self pollution

  7. #7

    Frown I now keep thinking of Gregory Peck w*nking.

  8. #8

    I'm fine with peck having a fiddle, it's just the dirty talk that's making it hard to go

  9. #9

    All babies are born with the same colour eyes

    And i had a perfectly cutr button nose until adolescence

  10. #10

    I'm not keen on Gregory Peck or James Stewart for the same reason..

    They can't speak. Either of them. They both sound like a man driving across furrows with rocks tied to his scrotum. How can you be an actor if you can't speak properly?

    And 'It's A Wonderful Life' is a bit dull, really, isn't it?

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