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Thread: Berni, Wensleydale 'not even a proper cheese'?!

  1. #1

    Berni, Wensleydale 'not even a proper cheese'?!

    It's one of the oldest, most venerable cheeses in the country and has been made at its historic creamery for centuries.

    It's also bloody lovely, I'll not hear a bad word said against Wensleydale, Garsdale or any of the other derivatives.

  2. #2

    It's tasteless mush suitable only for northerners and cartoon characters.

    It is in no way worthy of being described as cheese.

  3. #3

    It's a subtle, delicate and rich flavour

    Hang on, this is 'cheese macho' stuff, I see. Much like the competition around who can eat the most alive steaks.

  4. #4

    I only like wimp cheeses. like Scamorza Eat

  5. #5

    It's not proper cheese unless you can harvest penicillin from it, apparently

  6. #6

    squeezy cheese, borsin, primula, smoked german tubes Clound Nine Jarlsberg

  7. #7

    Ah, it's a question of machismo, is it? That will stem from the conspiracy of the patriarchy, no


    I should be silenced on this matter. Perhaps you could report me to the police?

  8. #8

    oh and the little square cheeses to pop on burgers..wrapped in plastic Clound Nine

  9. #9

    cooked brie nice in oven with kirsch in it..french bread mmmm and deep fried breaded brie

  10. #10

    Dont use me as your lefty avatar for all you perceive to be wrong with the world

    This sort of generalisation is just typical of your sort

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