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Thread: Will Crossrail be on the tube map?

  1. #1

    Will Crossrail be on the tube map?

  2. #2

    One would think so, yes.

    I saw five mice on the lines at the same time the other day. This was at Baker Street. Remarkable.

  3. #3

    Clearly they are mates of

  4. #4

    or ...

    Probably had a gig in town

  5. #5

    I've never seen a rat at a tube station. Always mice.

  6. #6

    Nod I've seen only a few rats in London in my life.

    Used to some behind Chapel Market.
    In Newcastle I saw them just running around the bus station

  7. #7

    I was having a sarnie in my garden when I lived in tottenham

    I put the sandich down to turn a page and have a drink and when I turned back I saw a rat running off with the f**ker.

    Also, my cat brought one in alive and then pussied out. My other half rang me, locked in a cupboard and made me come all the way back from Ealing to get the f**ker out.

  8. #8

    Oh balls, am I going to have to add Wimbledon now?

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