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Thread: All this kerfuffle about Milliband père - surely the point is that the man was a raving communuist

  1. #1

    All this kerfuffle about Milliband père - surely the point is that the man was a raving communuist

    and therefore a de facto enemy of Britain?

    He supported and espoused vile regimes that murdered and oppressed their own citizens in their thousands and fervently wished to do the same to us. This question of whether he 'hated Britain' is irrelevant next to that, surely?

    He was a bad 'un

    Plus, of course, he was Belgian. :shudder:

  2. #2

    Youthful exuberance and a' that.

  3. #3

    I guess it comes down to whether you can divide the establishment from the people, b

    Personally I think the queen and the ruling classes are an enemy of the british people, so in a very real sense Daddy Mill is a true patriot of the best kind and it's the evil toffs who are the enemy in this discussion.

  4. #4

    It seems to me a non-argument.

    Commie. Guilty.

  5. #5

    Nothing to do with the Tory supporting organ mounting a smear campaign

    at the Labour front man then ?

  6. #6

    Yes, but the British people disagree with you pretty strongly. So you're wrong.

  7. #7

    The Mail is no organ of the Tory Party. It is some distance to the right of Conservative policy.

    They both hate lefties, but this has little or nothing to do with the Tories.

  8. #8

    I dont think they've ever been asked, they've certainly never been given an alternative

    Think about it, why would the ruling classes ever consent to it?

    Elections are all well and good but they never decide any of the real issues, they just appoint the next round of flunkies.

  9. #9

    Sterling Hayden Love

  10. #10

    Funny how things change, I remember the mail was quite keen on socialism once upon a time

    Well, National Socialism anyway

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