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Thread: Daily Mail sends a reporter to a memorial for Ed Milliband's uncle hehe

  1. #1

    Daily Mail sends a reporter to a memorial for Ed Milliband's uncle hehe

    f**k me, it's almost as if they had some vendetta against the poor bloke. Imagine what it would be like if anybody seriously thought he had a chance of being elected.

  2. #2

    I never understand why newspapers are talked of as if they have any responsibility

    to anyone other than their owner and shareholders.

  3. #3

    Well, clearly the notion of journalistic ethics is laughably naive, but you can surely at least see

    where the idea comes from.

  4. #4

    In fairness, they're usually the same papers that say no companies should have responsibility to...

    ...anyone other than their owners.

    I like the way BP are currently complaining that people are making stuff up when claiming compensation from them over the gulf of mexico oil spill.

  5. #5

    Only found out about the Mail/Milli story today. So basically, the defender of British values has

    been attacking their opponent, right?

    One came to GB, fought in the RN in WW2 to uphold our values and became a public intellectual at (I believe) my alma mater.

    The other said 'Hurrah for the Blackshirts!'

    Hhhhhm. British values.

    Still, I suppose they're right cos you can't wipe your arse or wrap your cod 'n' chips in a dead Millipede.

  6. #6

    Yeah, Lord Rothermere, son of Lord Rothermere the renowned fascist

    If nothing else, the brass neck is impressive

  7. #7

    "Brass neck" Roll eyes They're just trying to make money, jorge and playing up to their notoriety

    is a very effective marketing tool.

  8. #8

    I understand it as a concept, but it is incompatible with the public appetite

    and, as a business, that is all that matters.

  9. #9

    Legally, no they haven't. Morally, however, surely they have some responsibility to the truth.

    Otherwise, they should change their name from 'newspapers' to, I dunno, '****rakers'

  10. #10

    Well if you take a pure libertarian standpoint, that's true.

    However, that way madness lies.

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