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Thread: AMAZING music recorded on DRUGS! I will start you lot off with

  1. #1

    AMAZING music recorded on DRUGS! I will start you lot off with

    PIPER AT THE GATES OF DAWN - the first Floyd album!

    listen to the drum beat, towards the end it gets all jumpy and thrilling! Barret;s guitar playing and his voice, mmmm,,,,,,f**k off marve, i love drugs!

  2. #2

    Jimmy Nail's Crocodile Shoes

    Only someone off their face thinks they can wear crocodiles as footwear

  3. #3

    Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti and Presence, both recorded during

    Jimmy Page's heroin years, I think. I'm not sure if Presence counts as amazing music, but Physical Graffiti does.

  4. #4

    resence, both recorI like that 'by the sea" track..and the opening's a bit too long though

  5. #5

    I don't mind if somebody takes drugs. But I can't stand drug bores

    there are friends of friends who can not function or have any sort of good time without getting off their heads.

    Nothing more boring than being somewhere with a load of people off their heads laughing at stuff that's not remotely funny.

  6. #6

    I couldnt agree more

  7. #7

    I agree, it's realyl the same with alcohol though. Which seems to sort of get a "pass". but is

    AS harmful as any drug. A relative died the other week from alcohol abuse....never touched even a line of speed in his life.

  8. #8

    Are they all smiling as it's the first time that man has ever stood up on his own?

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