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Thread: Somewhere in Syria there's a lamp-post waiting for the chinless wonder.

  1. #1

    Somewhere in Syria there's a lamp-post waiting for the chinless wonder.

  2. #2

    What's Gove done now?

  3. #3

    Well he was upset with tory voting no

    look he has a right to be upset. The whole issue with syria is a mess but bombing it won,t sove it long term promblems. That does not mean we do nothing on assad but this means long term planning rather then gun ho tactics.

  4. #4

    Waste his pearls before swine no doubt.

  5. #5

    he is right to be upset, mp's more interested in being popular

    Than doing what is right. Sums up Britain really.

  6. #6

    Is the Assad whore still in England?

  7. #7

    Come on, they'll be straight back on to making rich people richer in the morning

    Better now?

  8. #8

    that will include the very men you worship on a football

    Field. Time to put the pencil case & record bag in the wardrobe j, time to grow up I'm afraid. It comes to us all in the end.

  9. #9

    What made you regress so far today? you're usually so pro war

  10. #10

    He is still pro war, isn't he?

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