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Thread: Take a large frying pan and heat until almost smoking.

  1. #1

    Take a large frying pan and heat until almost smoking.

    Introduce a splash of vegetable oil and 12 rashers of unsmoked streaky bacon. Once the bacon has released its grease, but before it goes crispy, remove from the pan and keep warm. Now fry two slices on Mother's pride plastic white bread in the bacony oils until golden brown. Apply a layer of salt, then top with the bacon.

    This, my friends, is real food.

  2. #2

    I was hoping the next step was going to involve beating GSTB around the head with the pan tbh

  3. #3

    Presumably you throw the rest of the toxic loaf of **** away

  4. #4

    got to be hovis for you northern types eh ?

  5. #5

    You can freeze it for emergency toastbread.

    Berni taught me that.

  6. #6

    Eeeeh not bloody likely, thar go made for t'artisan loafs round 'ere

  7. #7

    And to think, you frown on self-polliution

  8. #8

    thats what i do..or use it in a nice summer pudding, or bread n butter pudding

  9. #9

    No lettuce tomato HP Sauce Ketchup? (Not all at once)

  10. #10

    You had to be taught that bread can be frozen?

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