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Thread: Advice given to any females that plan on travelling to the Emirates

  1. #1

    Advice given to any females that plan on travelling to the Emirates

    The country - not the football stadium.

    If you are unfortunate enough to get raped, go to your hotel room, pack your stuff nice and quietly, go to the airport and travel home. DO NOT contact the police. Unless you can cough up 4 male, muslim witnesses that saw the perp tear your clothes off and penetrate you, you will be charged with having sex outside marriage and thrown in prison.

    They said this on the news on Nog telly yesterday.

  2. #2

    Nod Islamic ****hole imo. A friend of mine went there on a hen do (I know)

    She basically wasn't allowed to wear half the clothes she took with her

  3. #3

    I find it peculiar they want to build all these things like a Western City

    yet stick to these rules. One or the other imo.

    It would be like going to Las Vegas and being arrested for gambling.

  4. #4

    Get pissed, take drugs and shag a local

  5. #5

    Indeed. It's a place that is great to go to for families

    Great golf, great shopping, great aquaparks, great beaches.

    Where the problem arises is that they also have great nightclubs.

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