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Thread: This "Eating Animals" book by Jonathan Safran Foer is doing an annoyingly good job of tugging at the

  1. #1

    This "Eating Animals" book by Jonathan Safran Foer is doing an annoyingly good job of tugging at the

    heartstrings. Basically, eating industrially farmed animals is utterly, utterly wrong, isn't it

  2. #2

    What is wrong with you today. Earlier caring for the environment, now this?

  3. #3

    Did you know they keep battery chickens in the pitch black for months on end

    and then shine lights on them to make them think it's Spring so they lay eggs

  4. #4

    Mc Gooner recentnely posted about this. Have a read.

  5. #5

    What's the alternative? Vegetables? Dont make me laugh

    Does Ron Swanson care that his bacon-wrapped chicken shish kebab is kept in the dark?

    No, he doesnt even care that kebabs are middle eastern, it's pure meat.

  6. #6

  7. #7

    But they are animals m. and meant for eating. The book title sums it up quite succinctly.

  8. #8

    It's nothing less than another holocaust on an infinitely larger scale

    In 500 years the meat eating population of the world will be looked back on in the same way we look back on the ostriches of Europe who allowed the extermination of 6 million Jews to happen under their noses.

    Hmmmm, ostrich

  9. #9

    Is it just me who thinks of McGooner as a tasty McDonald's menu item?

    I wonder if you can supersize your McGooner Meal

  10. #10

    Would it be a cannon shaped burger?

    with Wengernaise sauce.

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