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Thread: I feel a bit down I must say

  1. #1

    I feel a bit down I must say

  2. #2

    I'm shocked.

  3. #3


  4. #4

    If it's any consolation, you look a bit downsy too.

  5. #5

    You're like a character from Winnie the Pooh(-ed himself)

  6. #6

    I hope you get nose cancer

  7. #7

    Surely that would be doing myself a huge favour, if they had to cut some of it off?

  8. #8

    Was just about to say. It's probably the one place on your body where you could cut off a massive

    tumour and still be left with enough to craft it into something resembling what was there before.

  9. #9

    So, you know how we're not allowed to use the 'n' word for black people

    Same principle, you see?. When I say it, it's self-deprecation. When you say it, it's racist. Hope that helps.

  10. #10

    you missed the 's'

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