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Thread: Good god....Mayhem last night

  1. #1

    Good god....Mayhem last night

    Chief going all Walker Texas Ranger on Team Skype


    Am I going to get an invite to the Gay Marriage? The Tony loves a good wedding yup

  2. #2

    Are you able to sum up events in a few lines, on daily basis?

    I find it most tedious scrolling down and trying to work everything out and track it all.

  3. #3

    The wedding would have to be in Australia.

    But only if Modd is best man. There will be 5000 toasts. Are you still up for it.

  4. #4


    Chief is a lying racist homophobic sexist post deleting cowardly c**t.
    We take him to task on it.

    It helps pass the day.

    You're welcome.

  5. #5

    Ah that would be good as I can't understand any of it.

    It's like when everybody starts talking about cricket.

  6. #6

    But the problem where you lose support from the day shift is that Chief is

    OUR lying racist homophobic sexist post deleting cowardly c**t.

    And we love him.

  7. #7

    If you can make it around Melbourne Cup time then yes.

  8. #8

    Lots of toast?

  9. #9

    For some reason reminds me of that bloke who was selling highbury bricks.

  10. #10

    Its not a popularity contest Mate. I couldn't care less what the dayshift think

    However, your love of the Chief is not something I would be proud to talk about.

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