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Thread: So modd - when you report people to the mods, does anything get done? Don't they just say

  1. #1

    So modd - when you report people to the mods, does anything get done? Don't they just say

    "go away you whining spastic?"

  2. #2

    talk to me like that i report you mate. do you think it

    right in 21st century to use that word

    also no they don,t tell me to go away but have said they know i have done nothing wrong and have given me advice about way to deal with it

    So again they have no issue with me reporting it

  3. #3

    So Herbs when you pick on people

    do they say "go away you pathetic spastic?"

  4. #4

    Thanks man for support. Herbert use of that word

    is a disgrace man. thanks

  5. #5

    I reckon you and modd are the same wum

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