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Thread: One of the more amusing things about this forum is the self appointed Wenger apologists that lurk,

  1. #1

    One of the more amusing things about this forum is the self appointed Wenger apologists that lurk,

    with fingers poised to snipe at anyone daring to criticize the great one.
    They obviously have nothing better to do with their time.

    The guard of honour should only be given to teams that beat a local rival to the title.
    Chelsea did one once for United after they pipped us to one.

    There is no reason to hold one for Van Persie,and co .

  2. #2

    I'd presumed it was traditional, a convention.

  3. #3

    United gave us a guard of honour in 91

    Then we stuffed them 3-1.

  4. #4

    I really wouldn't get too worked up about this guard of honour thing

    Utd fans will get far more pleasure if they see us protesting or turning our backs on it, than if we just clapped them for a few seconds and got on with the game

  5. #5

    They are more like cult followers than football fans

    You make a good point, it is rather irrelevant Arsenal doing it.

  6. #6

    That's your big problem, you presume too much.

    Stan is a big United admirer ,he's said so, and Ivan the man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing, will probably try and make a few bucks out of it somehow.

  7. #7


  8. #8

    Right, and er,who did we beat for the title?

  9. #9

    That's just football though, isn't it? Everyone's in it together.

    The only ones who have irreconcilable differences are the supporters and very often not even them.

  10. #10

    As bombastic rhetoric goes, "self appointed Wenger apologists" is a bit feeble.

    Who else is supposed to appoint them?

    Individuals deciding to support their manager. Oh the horror!

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