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Thread: Can we survive a mega-tsunami? The answer appears to be "Probably not"

  1. #1

    Can we survive a mega-tsunami? The answer appears to be "Probably not"

  2. #2

    I f**king love tsunamis. Easily my most favourite natural disaster Clound Nine

  3. #3

    I suspected as much. Ditto with a Gamma Ray burst, imo.

    Don't think we stand much of a chance surviving an Alien invasion either, tbh. Will Smith and Tom Cruise are getting on in years.

  4. #4

    And the impending Zombie Apocalypse......

    Not forgetting the pressure cooker ban......

    They'll have to prise the tagine out my cold dead hands...

  5. #5

    Dunno, mate. A tornado has got to be up there

    but tsunamis are pretty cool. Other than the significant loss of life and property, which goes without saying.

  6. #6

    They'll never ban pressure cookers

    the massive lobbying by the hard core NPCA is irresistible to politicians.

    The NPCA members are wacko. I mean, isn't a 4 quart presuure cooker enough for anyone who just cooks with them? But these backward gimps from the NPCA are adamant in keeping legal 10 quart, 20 quart cookers. Hell, they wouldnt even agree to a 100 quart cooker ban. There's no reasoning with these cooker freaks.

    I still think we can limit the purchase of ball bearings to 10 and nails to 20. I mean, who really needs more than 10 ball bearings at any one time?

    And we need to close the pressure cooking show loophole as well, imo.

  7. #7

    For sure you have to ignore all the lives lost and ruined but after thinking the Boxing Day one

    was mad the Japan one was f**king unbelievable. I must have seen every documentary and you tube clips going

  8. #8

    You should be fine for Zombies hg. Smash your stairs and you're golden.

  9. #9

    Yeah, after mulling it over, I think you are right. Tsunamis are #1

    Firstly, the name itself is pretty cool. Second, the thought of simply scampering up a hill to avoid seems rather simple ... but then again not so simple when masses of people are trying to do the same thing.

    It's also an equal opportunity disaster. Tornados may destroy one house while leaving intact the house next door. Where's the fairness in that?

    Looking at it from that angle, a tsunami is a Socialist's dream disaster. Everyone is treated the same.

    I still can't work up the nerve to see that tsunami movie that come out this Christmas starring Naomi Watts.

  10. #10

    who really needs more than 10 ball bearings at any one time? I know, Crossfire fans.>>

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