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Thread: When it comes to the stronger spirits, I've developed a preference for Jack Daniels

  1. #1

    When it comes to the stronger spirits, I've developed a preference for Jack Daniels

    And like Lemmy, I mix it with Coca Cola and ice.

    It is a very dangerous drink, though. It is so smooth, it's like drinking cream with a dash of vanilla.

  2. #2

    Jack and I have a great, enduring love affair

    Unfortunately it turns me into this man:

  3. #3

    I've always felt that, for a supposed rock 'n roll hardman, Jack Daniels and Coke is a bit of a

    female marketing executive's drink.

  4. #4

    He's generally known to be the biggest alcoholic the celebrity world has ever seen, no?

  5. #5

    JD and coke is no drink for a gentleman really.

    Lemmy can get away with many things because he's Lemmy. He often sports a Cowboy hat, which is okay if you're Lemmy but otherwise you're probably going to look a bit of a tit tbh.

  6. #6

    I thought that was g & t?

  7. #7

    I have been alarmed and distressed several times recently when, ordering the

    pre-prandial s & s, I have been interrogated as to whether I should prefer "Bells, Grouse or JD", as if these ghastly American imports are a substitute for God's honest water of life.

  8. #8

    I drank way too much of it in the 80's, I've become a fan of Cuban rum though.

  9. #9

    He's diabetic these days.

    So drinking a lot of coke is pretty f**king hardcore imo.

  10. #10

    Prolonged exposure to scotch has that effect on me. At the risk of coming across all Bruce/David

    Banner, should you ever see me combining scotch and any of Bolivia's finest, avoid me like the plague.

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