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Thread: We should've buried thatcher like they did Osama Bin Laden

  1. #1

    We should've buried thatcher like they did Osama Bin Laden

    Respect, honour, decorum and dignity aside this thing is getting reeeeeeeeeeeally boring now.

    I just want it to end, any chane we could bring it forward?

  2. #2

    Apparently they refuse to bury her until Arthur Scargill accepts the invitation to her funeral

  3. #3

    I see Clarkson is on the guestlist

  4. #4

    We should bury Charles Moore like they did Osama Bin Laden

  5. #5

    Kill yourself then you'll save the ennui and we'll be saved listening to your ****.

  6. #6

    Thanks Mixote

    I mean, modd

  7. #7

    I loved the conspiracy theory that the BBC are trying to get "ding dong the witch is dead" to No 1

  8. #8

    If this funeral was a car and so on and so forth

    That did strike me as odd

  9. #9

    The BBC are run predominantly by a bunch of left leaning fückwits

    Biased Broadcasting Corporation

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