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Thread: Speaking of cricket, here's a song about it from my youth.

  1. #1

    Speaking of cricket, here's a song about it from my youth.

  2. #2

    Well, all I can say is your Youth Was ****

  3. #3

    Always there with a kind word. You must be a Christian.

  4. #4

    Can't Imagine a more racist post ever

  5. #5

    No reference to any race made. What are you imagining?

  6. #6

    So, the inference from this is that the 'Natives' only jive to 'da beat'

    pure racism. Wait until LadyG gets ahold of this.

  7. #7

  8. #8

    It is a very clever song about the successful West Indian team beating England at home.

    This took place before you graced this earth with your presence so you are completely ignorant of it. better still Ignorant and reactionary.

  9. #9

    perhaps, but your posted this in 2013

    and this is the most racist thing I have ever seen.

  10. #10

    I guess I'm a bit slow but now I see you're only joking.

    well done!

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