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Thread: Taking a swipe at George Graham at a press conference is pretty low to be fair (disappointed).

  1. #1

    Taking a swipe at George Graham at a press conference is pretty low to be fair (disappointed).

  2. #2

    Please explain?

  3. #3

  4. #4

    Read the full transcript of Monday's press conference and the bit about

    "I haven't taken any money secretly" or some **** to that effect. Well done, little man.

  5. #5

    "you will never find any story behind me that I’ve taken money anywhere, or things like that."

  6. #6

    furious How f+cking dare he. The man has no right to say that. Hes an embarrassment.

  7. #7

    GG has taken enough pops at AW in the media tbf

  8. #8

    I have no idea what you are banging on about. But reading your quotes in isolation

    are they not in reference to accusations that he pockets a secret bonus for positive player trading activity?

  9. #9

    No, that wasn't the question. It's in the transcript. I hope it was made up, but I'm past

    caring now, I'm not going to pity someone who maaes 8 million a year, his eternal excuses, stifling megalomania and whatnot. And where the f**k is the chairman in all this? To come out and protect his manager? What a bunch of c**ts they all are.

  10. #10

    Can you show me a link of this 'transcript' please?

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