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Thread: So, the idiot mother of the CT school killer......

  1. #1

    So, the idiot mother of the CT school killer......

    had amassed a stockpile of assault weapons due to fear of the breakdown of society.She then leaves her unbalanced angry child home alone for 3 days with access to the stockpile, while she takes a vacation.

    Brains of a f**kin rocking horse. A lot of people paid a very very high price for that stupid bint's negligence and f**ked up list of potential earthshattering events.

    Ignorant people with guns. [IMG]****er.gif[/IMG]

  2. #2

    brains of rocking horse **** more like.

  3. #3

    At least she had nice, straight, white teeth

  4. #4

    What a redundant comment by that cock Chief. How very apt.

    Pathetic Freepers.

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