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Thread: So, what's the AWIMB view of the Leveson Report? Overdue clipping of irresponsible wings

  1. #1

    So, what's the AWIMB view of the Leveson Report? Overdue clipping of irresponsible wings

    or opportunistic over-regulation?

    If I know AWIMB it will overwhelmingly be the former.

  2. #2

    I've not finished it yet, isnt it all a bit of a moot point though?

    Seeing as it's basically been ignored and the status quo (only the band The Jam couldve been) maintained

  3. #3

    I think if we could curtail the worst excesses of the press

    whilst not eroding its overarching freedom, that would be a good thing. But that's not possible - not through any viable form of regulation, anyway.

  4. #4

  5. #5

    Hold on now.

    You're reading the actual report?

  6. #6

    I'm currently reading 50 shades of grey.

  7. #7

    The condensed versions are only about 10 pages, aren't they?

    Probably all explained through pictures anyway.

    Not a proper book, in other words.

  8. #8

    This month's Grazia not out yet?

  9. #9

    I doubt Jorge does condensed versions really.

    Probably has a copy of the real thing on some new supercool social media platform that most of us cannot even spell.

  10. #10

    I've done the exec summary

    f**ked if I'm reading the rest, mind

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