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Thread: Does one need a passport to visit Vatican city?

  1. #1

    Does one need a passport to visit Vatican city?

    I've heard you need one for Pimlico so just thought i;d check

  2. #2

    Never had a passport Frown

  3. #3


    1. are you the pope

    2. are you a child molesting priest on the run form the authorities hoping to be smuggled in under a nun's habit

    3. are you planning to arrive there by parachute drop without going through Italy

    If none of the above apply you might wish to carry a passport

  4. #4

    I heard they do some sort of passport stamping thing.

  5. #5

    not when I went - just walked over river from rome.

  6. #6

    Nope, not at all. Went there last year.

  7. #7


    You do probably need your head examined all the same.

  8. #8

    I think it's more a novelty

  9. #9

    Ahh, but waht about that Chapel with the paintings about the stuff and things?

    I liked that bit. Well, I would have had there not been a be crossed army of jobsworths screaming "SSSSIIILENCIO" in everyones faces every three seconds.

    Thanksfully I don't speak Italian, so just kept gasping in loud awe.

  10. #10


    Seen one church seen them all.

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