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Thread: From The Sun's own 'Rail of Shame' (copied from the DM), Jessica Parker is living up well to her

  1. #1

    From The Sun's own 'Rail of Shame' (copied from the DM), Jessica Parker is living up well to her

    South Park version.

  2. #2

    Lovely, isnt it? I mean in the same edition they are moralising about girls being bullied

    I bet Kimberley, 22, from Hemel Hempstead (34-22-33) feels really good about her work as a positive role model for the little girls out there.

  3. #3

    You know the rules

  4. #4

    Look I'm a father now and there's enough filth on the internet

    I should know, I've tugged myself dry to most of it

  5. #5

    May I recommend this?

    I have used it in the past and it works quite well.

  6. #6

    I might need that soon, she's all over Youtube on the iPad

  7. #7

    Not that kimberley herself has any responsibility in this area of course

    The term role model is chucked about with wild abandon these days. I rather dislike it.

  8. #8

    I'm not saying she has, just pointing out how f**ked the Sun's moral compass is

    Dont even get me started on how the 'support our boys' thing suddenly equates to 'support our foreign policy (as long as we agree with it) or you're a traitor (unless, of course, it's one of the bits we dont agree with)'

  9. #9

    There is no moral compass, they print what they know will sell newspapers

  10. #10

    For an organisation with no moral compass they spend an inordinate amount of time moralising

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