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Thread: listen up, AWIMB, it's the baldy Belgy's birthday today. He's doing well really - no grey hairs yet

  1. #1

    listen up, AWIMB, it's the baldy Belgy's birthday today. He's doing well really - no grey hairs yet

  2. #2


  3. #3

    Given that you have stopped counting, has he caught you up yet?

  4. #4

    HBB. May I ask how many candles will be on the cake you'll undoubedly be baking for him?

  5. #5

  6. #6

    Happy Birthday Ray, there is a +ve in getting old as one day you'll be as old as me

    Long, long time to go though

  7. #7

    Time doesn't really work like that though, does it?

    Unless you have some kind of stasis field I'm not sure he'll ever catch you up. Or you leave the earth travelling at near light speed and return sometime later, and then he might even be older than you.

  8. #8

    Nono Nic walks and I cycle, so I am bound to catch him up some time.

    At least that's how I understand it works.

    I think I'm getting there btw. Last spring's hosepipe ban is really getting on my tits these days

  9. #9

    There is always someone to spoil things vsign

  10. #10

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