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Thread: I haven't seen a single sport in the Specialympics that's actually worth watching.

  1. #1

    I haven't seen a single sport in the Specialympics that's actually worth watching.

    Apart from Wheelchair Rugby, of course. Which is ace 'cos you see raspberries flopping about on the floor like gaffed fish and - apparently - don't have to feel guilty about laughing. Brilliant.

    I haven't really got the whole Olympics thing, if I'm honest. It's the sport equivalent of Methadone, really.

  2. #2

    Did you see the Partially Sighted Fence....pure cheatery in this.

    the winner was a some dude who got silver in the real olypics but has his eye poked out what the fkin point of that (excuse the pun).

  3. #3

    I was OUTRAGED by the Chinee lady with no arms beating our British lady with no legs.

    That's not sport. That's a freakshow, ffs. How's an honest, modern gentleman like yourself supposed to bet on c**tery like that, t?

  4. #4

    I think they made it official, you're actually not allowed to say you didn't like the olympics

    Oh, and you are obliged to use the term 'inspirational' at least once when you mention it.

    I did like that midget swimmer though, like the human equivalent of a penguin. Genius.

  5. #5

    Don't get me wrong, j. I loved the fact that we knocked it out of the park.

    But I never doubted we would. For all our faults, we are really good at this **** and always have been. Never doubted for a moment we'd do the lympics well.

    I just hate the idea of it making London a less vicious and hateful place. See, I love that about London.

  6. #6

    Which isnt a surprise considering you dont like the real Olympics

  7. #7

    It cant do that, surely it cant

    I missed the whole thing, myself. I literally have no frame of reference, I'm like Steve Buscemi in The Big Lebowski.

    I've watched a bit of the paras but to be honest, it's really difficult to tell what's wrong with most of them. I know badges would not be cool but in many ways it would have been helpful.

  8. #8

    London is still fullof purple-shirted, 'nice' people being nice to Johnny Foreigner.

    I have to be honest: it makes me vomit a bit, but I'm glad I live in a megacity that has nicer people than me in it.

  9. #9

    No offence but you could find 'nice'r people in most hamlets

    Don't worry, it'll wear off soon enough.

    I mentioned I was stabbed twice today and people audibly gasped.

  10. #10

    You are a miserable, old stoat Berni. A dickensian grotesque in fact. Did you see that

    discus thrower? Paralympian my arse. he had nothing more than a bit of a gammy leg.

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