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Thread: Floyd, sorry, fLoYd, got reported again for racist postings ... *sigh*

  1. #1

    Floyd, sorry, fLoYd, got reported again for racist postings ... *sigh*

    What are we to do with this likeable, yet troubled, lad?

  2. #2

    Sign him up for the Tea Party and have him run for office..

  3. #3

    Green Card up to date?

  4. #4

    thats about right.....

  5. #5

    So, I take that for a no

    always intrigued, if you hate this country so much, why live here?

  6. #6

    how could anyone (aside from you) take that as a 'no'?? lol

    I don't hate the country at all, quite the contrary.

    It is yet another age old Republican obsession that anyone who doesn't agree with them must hate the USA. Weird, but true. Level headed folk laugh about it all the time.

    Are you gonna cry and scream "USA! USA! USA!" at me, as if only YOUR opinion can be deemed patriotic?

    I am deeply honored to be a guest in this great nation.

    My wife, and children were born here, I pay a high level of taxes and am happy to do so for the great quality of life we have. Everything that happens in the USA affects me and my family just as much as it does you and yours, assuming you have one.

    I just happened to believe in a different best path forward.

    Perhaps it's YOU that hates your own country, as YOUR political leanings are detrimental to it's future and, ergo, your children's.

  7. #7

    at least I got that out of you

    so why not accept that you and I have a different thought as to how to get out of this mess? Why the hate?

    I believe that our current level of spending will soon be our downfall. We have promised too much. We did not anticipate people living this long when we first set up our gov. safety net. It is now time to reconcile that without hurting those who are counting on our gov. promises.

    I do not understand why "you" ( in general) seem to think that we can just keep on keeping on like we have. More gov. spending is not the answer.

    Your personal hatred for others, and those like you, are standing in our way, making me (and others like me) think that you folks desire to see this country knocked down a peg or three. Obama has talked about that in his biography and in his speeches before he ran for President.

    For God Sakes just watch MSNBC. They are positively foaming at the mouth their hate is so rampant.

    That is what I see from you and others on here. I am the lone dog supporting my point of view here, I acknowledge that, and when you type the stuff that you have typed it makes me think that you have a deep hatred for this country and what it represents. I take you at your word and acknowledge that I was wrong.

    Now that you have acknowledged that this is not the case perhaps we can resume a debate that does not involve such vitriole. Or perhaps not. Your choice.

  8. #8


  9. #9

    Not sure whether Shake head or Nod is the right response

    I guess it depends on whether I'm agreeing with your comment or answering it

    Anyhoo, :ditto: just to avoid confusion

    Might be a decent bloke in real life but an e-**** imo

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