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Thread: Why are so many people so concerned with things that really don't bother them?

  1. #1

    Why are so many people so concerned with things that really don't bother them?

    Gay marriages. I mean, irrespective of this Chick-Fil-A deal, a general thought. I don't really understand why gay people would want to marry, as marriage really is a religious tradition, and we all know that well, at least the monoteistic religions, reckon gay people will burn in hell. But still, if they insist on getting married - does it really bother anyone? Why can't people just shrug their shoulders and say "hey, do whatever you want as long as you don't bother anyone else". Are people trying to get brownie points with God, by actively condemning this lifestyle?

    It's a bit like muslim fundamentalists who insist on stoning couple that live in sin. Well, obviously it's quite different, but they too feel it's their moral obligation to put things right to do the allmighty a favour, don't they?

  2. #2

    Token: I support gay marriage, they have every right to be as miserable as the rest of us.

  3. #3

    I don't really care

  4. #4

    hehe " Dad, is it bad luck to get married on Friday the 13th?"

    "Of course, son. Why should Friday the 13th be an exception?"

  5. #5

  6. #6

  7. #7

    Red card Even though it is blocked here there is never any excuse for Phil Collins

  8. #8

  9. #9

    Point taken, but a staright red? A bit harsh, no?

  10. #10

    Red card Answering back - it was Phil f**king Collins ffs

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