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Thread: So London is a ghost town, shops are complaining that they are empty

  1. #1

    So London is a ghost town, shops are complaining that they are empty

    tubes, trains and stations into London are reportedly 30% less busy

    Plus the Euros passed off without any incident without any thing significant happening, despite us hearing that people would be coming home in coffins

    Is it time that we all just realised that we are completely clueless about everything and we shouldn't waste our energy moaning so much?

  2. #2

    If we were clueless about everything, how would we know?

    And if we aren't going to moan, what are we going to talk about?

  3. #3

    And when are the bus drivers going to give their bonuses back

    seeing as the case for them getting one was based on them having to drive more people around?

  4. #4

    The streets from Euston to Waterloo are empty both morning and evening Clound Nine

    Have a fortnight like this every year IMO

  5. #5

    It's summer, and 1st week of the summer hols, people always f**k off.

    Suspect it'll get busier next week once the athletics starts

  6. #6

    Piss off mate - it's a great life on the buses...

  7. #7

    I don't understand what you mean

  8. #8

    Nobody goes to London - it's too crowded.

    Yogi Berra.

  9. #9

    Jack was the conductor from On The Buses.

  10. #10

    I do find all the "London can't handle all these people

    arriving for a major sporting event" hype incredibly funny. It's not like London isn't full of tourists every summer and we have major sporting events going on all the time, with tens of thousands of people being transported about the capital.

    If anything, we're more geared up for this than most host cities.

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