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Type: Posts; User: Herbert Augustus Chapman
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battle and bring terror to our enemy. And yet If I fall l will call your name as I die - Redgunamo! my Liege, my Captain!
Bronsonesque looks. Do you gallop around the country lanes of rural Essex rescuing maltreated horses from their cruel gypsy owners?
Oh Christ yes, baccy was a barstud. 20 years for me now and I could still murder a ciggy.
evening makes you feel. I am actually fantasizing about a tall cold glass of Menabria Birra this Saturday ( Feb 1st )
Well done Sir C - for my part I've done my second dry January in a row so I'm positively exuding sanctimony. Which would you say is hardest to quit C, the booze, the bong, the beak or the baccy?
I never took to the marching powder L. I take you're almost done with your second liver and you're getting ready for a third?
Oh crap .. he does have those dark "up all night on the marching powder" bags under his eyes :-(
I’m astonished that a complete cock like you has taken this long to adopt the complete cock’s preferred pastime, Golf.
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Herbert Augustus Chapman, shall hunt down this filthy corrupt infidel Michael Oliver to his fetid lair where I will dispatch him to his maker, but only after I have subjected him to unimaginable...
Which God’s a cünt Ganps? Not that elephant looking won with 20 trunks I hope .. I like him. Any deity worth their title has to be absolutely non interventionist. Bridges collapse and kill people...
GPWM John ( you’re still a cuck mind ). I object to the BBC spending my licence fee on running their publicity operation free of charge and I’m already tired of the turgid droning Wonderwall...
splendid form fitting lycra pants on and had just about worked up a decent pulse when I was dangerously undertaken by some Greek looking chump in a battered old Datsun who appeared engrossed in his...
I call it the love scene m8 :-D
It says nothing about you being a massive c.unt John. We are seemingly safe from AI after all :-D
Dunno Red .. their cricketers get a bit cheaty don’t they.
Did you see the big ugly Gyppo c.unting himself off at the press conference .. “Sausage! .. rabbit! sausage! .. rabbit!”
C.unt! (him not you 7)
He’s the man whose insights and analyses we trust above all others. The man is practically prescient L. Incredible when you think he grew up playing Lacrosse.
........... Edit .. My mistake .. just the 3
the old dog scoffer and as for his 1-on-1 .. harder than they look when your straight on with no angle and a defender harrying you. Even TH used to miss about half of those.
You’re a specialist in failure,
You know what you are :cry:
from our fingers again. I need a hug :cry:
of mediocre pony that played in a 36,000 capacity toilet called Maine Road in the Moss Side slums whose best player was a huffing puffing fat little c.unt called Francis Lee