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Type: Posts; User: Luis Anaconda

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  1. Replies

    Timber did push Hjolund - well nudge. united fans...

    Timber did push Hjolund - well nudge. united fans I know had no complaints though
  2. Life will never be the same again

    Life will never be the same again
  3. Boooooooooooooooooooooooo

  4. Replies

    Inflation is a bugger these days

    Inflation is a bugger these days
  5. Thank god it wasn't league games - we would have...

    Thank god it wasn't league games - we would have to have mentioned Mike Riley
  6. Enjoyed seeing that again and Patrick's penalty....

    Enjoyed seeing that again and Patrick's penalty. We were so **** in that game :hehe:
  7. Two morons?

    Two morons?
  8. Thank that is fair Obviously, as such, has...

    Thank that is fair

    Obviously, as such, has no place on awimb
  9. :shrug: I think he's been ok when he comes on....

    :shrug: I think he's been ok when he comes on. Lovely assist last week, looked lively on Saturday in a dead game
  10. Bit disappointing Mertinez in banned for...

    Bit disappointing Mertinez in banned for Wednesday. He could start a fight in a empty room
  11. Love that :)

    Love that :)
  12. Oh - also could count Denis Compton of course....

    Oh - also could count Denis Compton of course. But for the knee injury and cricket commitments he probably would have been world class right winger (imo)
  13. If you can build up a 9 point lead in 13 games...

    If you can build up a 9 point lead in 13 games you can certainly lose it in the remaining 25. They only have five fit defenders going into this busy period (mind you so do we, it seems)
  14. Really, really annoying is quite redundant there

    Really, really annoying is quite redundant there
  15. Would definitely put Raya in the top group

    Would definitely put Raya in the top group
  16. Yes but they just gather in Wetherspoons these...

    Yes but they just gather in Wetherspoons these days
  17. Still think that is a dive

    Still think that is a dive
  18. Replies

    Kanu - what a beautiful footballer

    Kanu - what a beautiful footballer
  19. Joe Hulme for most if it but he came to us from...

    Joe Hulme for most if it but he came to us from Blackburn.

    Can't believe you left out George Armstrong.

    Possible banning offence - are there any moderators left?
  20. Love that knew exactly what I meant. Also the...

    Love that knew exactly what I meant.

    Also the line " Dennis Bergkamp is preferred to Thierry Henry" makes me both smile and cry
  21. Did it end 0-0? Fairly sure I was there for that...

    Did it end 0-0? Fairly sure I was there for that one
  22. Pires to Wiltord v Leicester - pure sexy football

    Pires to Wiltord v Leicester - pure sexy football
  23. Not one to praise Spurs players normally

    But Vicario playing an hour with a fractured ankle (and keeping a clean sheet) deserves some respect. Also next time someone tells you footballers are soft...
  24. Has to be one of the weirdest transfers in modern...

    Has to be one of the weirdest transfers in modern times - touted to be sold for 100 million goes to Gala on loan. Something wrong there.
  25. Replies

    So would I be if I looked like that tbf

    So would I be if I looked like that tbf
Results 1 to 25 of 500
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