Come July, Sp*rs' last league title will be closer to the reign of Queen Victoria than today. :thumbup:
Type: Posts; User: 71 Guns - channeling the spirit of Mr Hat
Come July, Sp*rs' last league title will be closer to the reign of Queen Victoria than today. :thumbup:
It's so ****e in here these days even the spammers have given up :)
Hi. I vaguely remember you. Is that other cünt still here?
Where's Dave H?
Wenger In!
Isle of Man.
:nod: when is the Norwich Hospital Cup this year?
At 15:50. Kicks off during half time. :hehe:
Nah - most of em are just nearly extinct.
For the first time since I don't know when I'm quite confident we won't get beat there. Or only narrowly. They were abysmal against the 'ammers yesterday...if Dick can leave Xhaka out, I think...
:nod: we want our Arsene back :cry: :cry:
You posting this in 2007 mate?
We're allowed to pick players from the colonies :thumbup:
Pfft. He'll still score a ton in each innings. At least.
Excellent. I presume Labuschagne is his replacement? He's sh*t - only averaging 65 this season :hehe:
Bellend is knacked and Tiererny is a Irish, we'll be outside the EU soon so no.
Can't afford to lose another Englander...especially now Ramsey and Welbz are gone. Can we exchange him for Feoooo?
Spunking £72m? *Arsene* Wenger? Lol.
To be sure :nod:
:hehe: you love him really.
He isn't banned.
:hehe: :hehe: No. Reinstating WES was enough.
Quite. Phew, eh?
No. I can confirm Headgear is alive though - I nearly met him last week for a beer.
Done. You should be able to too - lift ban on banned users list...