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View Full Version : This made me chuckle, students union's really are mental

10-02-2018, 09:25 AM

10-02-2018, 09:27 AM

Jesus. Fúcking. Wept.

10-02-2018, 09:40 AM

Yep, important to make the deaf feel included.

Obviously the blind can **** right off.

Sir C
10-02-2018, 09:42 AM
Yep, important to make the deaf feel included.

Obviously the blind can **** right off.

It's more about people with disabilities. Like anxiety.

Anxiety is a fúcking disability, apparently. If that's the case I should have been signed off work years ago. And I should have a blue badge for my car and a guide dog.

10-02-2018, 09:46 AM
It's more about people with disabilities. Like anxiety.

Anxiety is a fúcking disability, apparently. If that's the case I should have been signed off work years ago. And I should have a blue badge for my car and a guide dog.

Whatever happened to that deaf woman who tried to sue the promoters of that Little Mix concert because, although they provided a signer for the main event, they didn't for the support act?

To be fair, she was the lucky one at that gig...


10-02-2018, 09:49 AM
It's more about people with disabilities. Like anxiety.

Anxiety is a fúcking disability, apparently. If that's the case I should have been signed off work years ago. And I should have a blue badge for my car and a guide dog.

Its all about being inclusive. Its funny how inclusivity so frequently involves banning something.

In this particular instance the deaf lobby should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves for excluding the blind. I cannot tolerate this level of discrimination. It is thoroughly unacceptable.

10-02-2018, 09:50 AM
Whatever happened to that deaf woman who tried to sue the promoters of that Little Mix concert because, although they provided a signer for the main event, they didn't for the support act?

To be fair, she was the lucky one at that gig...


The woman hit by the golf ball at the Ryder Cup is suing for losing sight in her eye..........don't stand 280-320 yards down the fairway.

Sir C
10-02-2018, 09:50 AM
Whatever happened to that deaf woman who tried to sue the promoters of that Little Mix concert because, although they provided a signer for the main event, they didn't for the support act?

To be fair, she was the lucky one at that gig...


But seriously. Things have been going a little bit mental for years - since the loony left started to become mainstream in the 80s. But how have we come so very far down the Bonkers HJighway in just a couple of years? Men marrying men? Men deciding that they're women? Check your privilege? Corbyn's commies? What the fúck happened to the world in about 2014 to send everyone doollaly?

10-02-2018, 09:50 AM
Whatever happened to that deaf woman who tried to sue the promoters of that Little Mix concert because, although they provided a signer for the main event, they didn't for the support act?

To be fair, she was the lucky one at that gig...


Great ****ing advert for Little Mix isnt it. You dont have to be deaf to like them but.....

10-02-2018, 09:53 AM
The woman hit by the golf ball at the Ryder Cup is suing for losing sight in her eye..........don't stand 280-320 yards down the fairway.

An explosion of the eyeball. Never sounds promising tbf.

Quite, expect small, hard golf balls to be flying all over the place on a golf course.

If it was me on the tee, any person forward of the tee markers could be in real danger

especially those between 1 and 230 yards

10-02-2018, 09:58 AM
But seriously. Things have been going a little bit mental for years - since the loony left started to become mainstream in the 80s. But how have we come so very far down the Bonkers HJighway in just a couple of years? Men marrying men? Men deciding that they're women? Check your privilege? Corbyn's commies? What the fúck happened to the world in about 2014 to send everyone doollaly?

Sally Reynolds - the Little Mix bint... "It was very much a disparity of experience compared with everyone else”

Poor, deaf me. Going to a music concert that I cannot hear. There will be a fúcking disparity that nobody can do a fúcking thing about.

What next, the blind suing firework manufacturers?

Viva Prat Vegas
10-02-2018, 10:02 AM
IUFG "Whatever happened to that deaf woman who tried to sue the promoters of that Little Mix concert because, although they provided a signer for the main event, they didn't for the support act?"

She's waiting to hear from them

10-02-2018, 10:06 AM
IUFG "Whatever happened to that deaf woman who tried to sue the promoters of that Little Mix concert because, although they provided a signer for the main event, they didn't for the support act?"

She's waiting to hear from them

Oh, f, you missed out on the opportunity to use a :cooper:

wd btw :clap:

10-02-2018, 10:32 AM
It's more about people with disabilities. Like anxiety.

Anxiety is a fúcking disability, apparently. If that's the case I should have been signed off work years ago. And I should have a blue badge for my car and a guide dog.

What have you got to be anxious about, Charles? Your glw gets her womanly needs addressed elsewhere so having to perform at your age isn't a concern. You have no children, so no worries there. You ingested enough grade A drugs in the 80s to kill 100 men so you have no right to any sense of longevity, so forget that one. You seem to have enough money to eat and drink well until the inevitable happens, so all good there.

So WHAT THE F*CK do you have to be anxious about then? :rolleyes:

Tony C
10-02-2018, 10:38 AM
Jesus fkin Christ....

10-02-2018, 11:38 AM
It's more about people with disabilities. Like anxiety.

Anxiety is a fúcking disability, apparently. If that's the case I should have been signed off work years ago. And I should have a blue badge for my car and a guide dog.

Not sure you can have a guide dog and a car sc

10-02-2018, 11:50 AM
Not sure you can have a guide dog and a car sc

perhaps Berni can be his carer?
I'm sure he'd be up for the arse wiping, feeding and general mental abuse.