View Full Version : Cosby...

Tony C
04-27-2018, 10:08 AM
A couple weeks back I noticed The Cosby Show in my YouTube feed.

Not sure how their algorithm decided that but decided to watch a few clips.

It still holds up imo...it was funny then and still quite amusing now.

Can’t we just cut the guy a break and let him go?

The metoo campaign is the real injustice here imo...disgusting mob rule fuels by the SJWs.

04-27-2018, 10:26 AM
A couple weeks back I noticed The Cosby Show in my YouTube feed.

Not sure how their algorithm decided that but decided to watch a few clips.

It still holds up imo...it was funny then and still quite amusing now.

Can’t we just cut the guy a break and let him go?

The metoo campaign is the real injustice here imo...disgusting mob rule fuels by the SJWs.

I'm hugely uncomfortable with how this has happened. A comedian makes an accusation about him, then a bunch of 'victims' suddenly come forward. The media piles in and we have umpteen articles, TV shows and magazine covers effectively assuming his guilt. Only one of these cases, however, is deemed fit to make any kind of case and, after years of coverage assuming his guilt, guess what? He's found guilty.

Are we really calling that a fair trial?