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View Full Version : Jesus. This ad gets more sinister with every viewing.

02-20-2018, 01:08 PM
I assume this is what Sunday lunch with Fred and Rose West was like. :-(


02-20-2018, 02:12 PM

"Fred's got plenty. Ahhhhhhh!

Arthur's got plenty an all."

Apart from the fact that they seem to have hired a serial killer, presumably the point was that for cash-strapped northern families whose industries had all just been shut down, the only way they could afford to feed their kids meat was with cheapy pork.

02-20-2018, 02:15 PM

"Fred's got plenty. Ahhhhhhh!

Arthur's got plenty an all."

Apart from the fact that they seem to have hired a serial killer, presumably the point was that for cash-strapped northern families whose industries had all just been shut down, the only way they could afford to feed their kids meat was with cheapy pork.

I don't think so. They all look quite respectable and middle-class (insofar as such a thing is possible for northerners, of course).

I think he's just working through some sort of childhood trauma where he never had any food and he's reacting to it by serving up human meat to his family and friends. And then he's going to invite his guest to have a go on his wife.