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View Full Version : I am bored of the following items

Pat Vegas
08-16-2017, 11:13 AM
Donald Trump. Just piss off I can't be bothered reading outrage about him. It's incredibly boring.
Grenfell Tower :hide:
North Korea
Transfer windows
Several of yours mums. that's right mums

08-16-2017, 11:20 AM
Donald Trump. Just piss off I can't be bothered reading outrage about him. It's incredibly boring.
Grenfell Tower :hide:
North Korea
Transfer windows
Several of yours mums. that's right mums

US politics is currently what our cousins would describe as 'a dumpster fire'. All sides appear increasingly unhinged with no sign of sanity prevailing anytime soon. I'm happy to leave them to it. At the moment, it seems to consist of everyone comparing everyone else to the Nazis. Fúck that.

08-16-2017, 12:24 PM
US politics is currently what our cousins would describe as 'a dumpster fire'. All sides appear increasingly unhinged with no sign of sanity prevailing anytime soon. I'm happy to leave them to it. At the moment, it seems to consist of everyone comparing everyone else to the Nazis. Fúck that.

I think the Nazis would be embarrassed by some of these comparisons. Perhaps even a tad offended.

The Rob2
08-16-2017, 09:18 PM
Donald Trump. Just piss off I can't be bothered reading outrage about him. It's incredibly boring.
Grenfell Tower :hide:
North Korea
Transfer windows
Several of yours mums. that's right mums

I reckon if you read every brexit article on BBC news, it would take you a solid month. If you hadn't died of boredom on the way.

some other things that bore me:

- Hashtags. WHEN is this going to die out? Give it a rest
- The Wenger era
- Hearing that people have gone vegan or don't eat gluten etc. I know some guy who moans he can't eat meat on a Tuesday. Because it's "part of his religion." He has no problem banging prostitutes whilst married, but a bacon sarnie on a Tuesday? Out of the question. YOU have put this restriction upon yourself, and no one is impressed.