View Full Version : Looks like we kicked off before France, ignoring the fixture list...

06-10-2016, 09:23 AM
Good old plastic chair chucking brigade :shakehead:

Sir C
06-10-2016, 09:32 AM
Good old plastic chair chucking brigade :shakehead:

I was in Marseille in '98 when England played Tunisia :hehe: It was carnage. I remember a little square in the old port with England fans at one end and a group of north African kids at the other lobbing bottles and bricks over; it all looked like a stalemate until a massively fat lad, topless, wrapped a Croos of St Geroge flag around his throat, screamed, "On me Ingerlund! Chaaaaarge!" and led the boys into the attack. :hehe:

It makes yer proud.

06-10-2016, 10:13 AM
Good old plastic chair chucking brigade :shakehead:

I was in Magaluf for the 2006 World Cup when England were knocked out by Portugal (Ronaldo winking after getting Rooney sent off). Chairs and bottles were thrown in a square then and when feeling the scene, I climbed a traffic light to get a better vantage point. Was there for about 60 seconds shaking it from side to side a bit when Policia turned up and started ****ting my shins and legs with their batons until I fell off :-(

06-10-2016, 10:26 AM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xft1/v/t1.0-9/13434776_1146601102052623_6158239826079880463_n.pn g?oh=403923e08717d205c10029614c2234ca&oe=57CCE285&__gda__=1473192420_0c155c81adb819777c0f2f1514a71d3 6

I was in Marseille in '98 when England played Tunisia :hehe: It was carnage. I remember a little square in the old port with England fans at one end and a group of north African kids at the other lobbing bottles and bricks over; it all looked like a stalemate until a massively fat lad, topless, wrapped a Croos of St Geroge flag around his throat, screamed, "On me Ingerlund! Chaaaaarge!" and led the boys into the attack. :hehe:

It makes yer proud.

Sir C
06-10-2016, 10:28 AM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xft1/v/t1.0-9/13434776_1146601102052623_6158239826079880463_n.pn g?oh=403923e08717d205c10029614c2234ca&oe=57CCE285&__gda__=1473192420_0c155c81adb819777c0f2f1514a71d3 6

And they say Germans lack a sense of humour. :-|

06-10-2016, 10:36 AM
And they say Germans lack a sense of humour. :-|

I laughed out loud :-|

06-10-2016, 12:21 PM
I was in Marseille in '98 when England played Tunisia :hehe: It was carnage. I remember a little square in the old port with England fans at one end and a group of north African kids at the other lobbing bottles and bricks over; it all looked like a stalemate until a massively fat lad, topless, wrapped a Croos of St Geroge flag around his throat, screamed, "On me Ingerlund! Chaaaaarge!" and led the boys into the attack. :hehe:

It makes yer proud.

I did wonder about the wisdom of England playing Marseille, was never going to end [or indeed, start] well