View Full Version : tree view was our amazon biosphere. now we're just a bunch of pygmies crouching

05-09-2016, 04:34 AM
in the bush. I will fix this. as soon as I get paid I am mounting a campaign for tree view's return. it's a technical matter, requiring 10k to implement. Herbert can do it, or so he says. I may have my doubts, but I do think it'll cost about 10k. everything does. let's do this, jungle creatures!

05-09-2016, 09:03 AM
in the bush. I will fix this. as soon as I get paid I am mounting a campaign for tree view's return. it's a technical matter, requiring 10k to implement. Herbert can do it, or so he says. I may have my doubts, but I do think it'll cost about 10k. everything does. let's do this, jungle creatures!

You do realise, I assume, that Herbert was talking guineas, not dollars.

05-09-2016, 04:03 PM
Yeah I figured. Rupees!