View Full Version : You have to admit, he has a point

Classic Jorge
01-27-2016, 10:22 PM
https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/5436_10154611833882627_1820587613212441208_n.jpg?o h=e81ad7d37b996574d5ad8303727b5b57&oe=573979F5

01-27-2016, 10:28 PM
Alienating them and bantering them off may be good fun if you're doing alright but it does nobody any good at all really, and even does alot of people alot of harm.

If you want to be nice to the poor, you have to care for the rich as well.

Classic Jorge
01-27-2016, 10:30 PM
Branson is a mssive c**t though, honestly encase him and Bono in concrete and sink the pair. Whatever good they do the world would still be a better place.

01-27-2016, 10:37 PM
When they hear the howling lynchmob around the corner, they don't know which one of them it is coming for; they are all in fear.

It's their money that must matter to the rest of us, not the man.

Herbette Chapman - aged 15
01-27-2016, 10:53 PM
lightly J - especially that sanctimonious, pious preachy kunt Bono.

01-27-2016, 10:58 PM
ensure nothing actually happens. It's utterly self-defeating.

Classic Jorge
01-27-2016, 11:05 PM
I'm no environ-mentalist myself but if I were to come out with something like that I'm sure there'd be a fairly long queue to point out I drive a f**k off massive jag.

And I'm not a betting man either but I'd have money on you being in there somewhere.

01-27-2016, 11:12 PM
Not ours though, of course, which is why we don't care. We just feel better saying we do.

01-27-2016, 11:14 PM
You don't actually *want* anything to happen, or change. It just looks better if you at least pretend you do.

Classic Jorge
01-27-2016, 11:24 PM
As he runs an airline I dont think he can really chirp up and pretend that he wants to make a difference.

It's just greenwashing.

01-27-2016, 11:26 PM
How exactly does that make him wrong about conservation in the Arctic?

Oh, it doesn't, does it? But half-bright c**ts like Frankie Boyle are happy to sacrifice all the influence someone in Branson's position can have on the issue in order to make a cheap point and have people like you cheer him on.

Result? Nothing gets done except Frankie Boyle's ego gets stroked and people get to feel virtuous for agreeing with him. Let's not ask ourselves how many flights Boyle has taken in the last 10 years and think about the fact that he is therefore a hypocrite himself. Let's just revel in our tiny, non-victory against a rich bloke.

Here's what grown-ups know and the 'whatabout' generation seems too f**king stupid to grasp: end results are what matter - and what you perceive as hypocrisy doesn't.

You're the sort of people who'd have sneered at this country's abolitionists because they owned factories where children worked in awful conditions. You'd have revelled in the fact that your point was valid while missing the point that you were actually denigrating a sincerely-held cause or even stopping something really important happening solely in order to point out someone's hypocrisy and thereby making yourself feel all big and smug and clever.

Pffffffff. f**king self-righteous hypocrisy police pricks. I've **** 'em.

Classic Jorge
01-27-2016, 11:32 PM
He could chose to actually, properly do something about it tomorrow, which is something neither of us could. No matter what we want neither of us has the power to do that.

I dont own an airline, I wouldnt object to owning one if I could though, and if I was given one I doubt I would shut it down. However, i wouldnt pipe up and give it the big un about saving the arctic if I did own an airline. I'd give it a swerve, if I'm honest.

01-27-2016, 11:40 PM
you wouldn't actually care about, or do anything about, this stuff at all. You would merely pay lip service, if that, to it, just as Sir Rich has done?


Herbette Chapman - aged 15
01-28-2016, 08:58 AM