View Full Version : Here is a new segment. Logos I like.

Pat Vegas
12-07-2015, 02:54 PM

Sir Charlie of Nicholas
12-07-2015, 02:58 PM
your associations with that logo would be far from pleasurable.

Mind you, the breakfasts in the dining car of the sleeper train to Inverness were great. Beautiful china, silver tea pots, white-jacketed stewards... that was in the '20's, mind.

12-07-2015, 02:58 PM

Pat Vegas
12-07-2015, 03:00 PM
the symbol it would mean a nice trip to the seaside. With trains with slam doors.

Sir Charlie of Nicholas
12-07-2015, 03:02 PM
I miss trains with corridors.

Pat Vegas
12-07-2015, 03:14 PM


Sir Charlie of Nicholas
12-07-2015, 03:22 PM
Awfully romantic.


Mo Britain less Europe
12-07-2015, 06:06 PM

Sir Charlie of Nicholas
12-07-2015, 06:32 PM

Mo Britain less Europe
12-07-2015, 06:53 PM
and competent. Over too soon really. Would love to go London - Istanbul if Europe ever sorts itself out.